Ending or changing your tenancy

If you want to end your tenancy, you must give at least four weeks notice.

What do I need to do?

The tenancy agreement you signed when you were given the keys to your home is a legal contract and to end your tenancy you must:

  • complete a termination of tenancy form
  • give us four weeks written notice
  • ensure your home is clean, tidy and fit to rent to somebody else
  • pay any outstanding rent or other charges

Your tenancy must end on a Sunday.

During the four week notice period, you must allow the Councils access to the property to carry out an inspection. We will confirm a date and time with you.

If you wish to remove one person from a joint tenancy, please visit our Succession, assignment and tenancy changes webpage to find out further information.

End your tenancy

If you do not wish to use our online form, you may download a copy of the form in either Microsoft Word or PDF format:

End a tenancy due to death of tenant

If you are the executor of a sole tenant who has died, you must give at least two weeks' notice to end the tenancy, via a termination of tenancy form. 

You will be asked to provide proof, such as probate or a letter of administration.

You should be aware that any housing benefit that a tenant was entitled to ends on the date of death. Any rent arrears left at the end of the tenancy are charged to the deceased tenant’s estate.

If you would like to notify us of a tenant's death and complete the termination of tenancy form (if appropriate), please complete our online form:

Notify us of a death

Leaving the property

When you move out of your home, there are certain things you must do.

Keys must be returned to us on or before your tenancy end date, but no later than 12pm on the following day. The front door key to the property must be returned to the Council (using the key safe provided - a key code will be provided to you).

Any remaining keys can be left in a kitchen drawer. Please email our Tenancy Services team to tell us when you have done this.

Read our end of tenancy advice